Monday, May 4, 2020

The Heuvos on this guy - rivals those of the big tusker

Man halts charging elephant from r/nextfuckinglevel


  1. Unlike with humans most animals don't kill to prove their bravado. They kill for food and maybe to protect their young as a last resort. Territorial defense usually is a show of force and when the enemy retreats the threat is gone and it's over. Even male mating rituals don't usually end in death unlike the human counterparts do. The single human trait, the ability to reason comes with lots of downside baggage.

    1. In the novel "The Mote in G-d's Eye" one of the characters was talking about how most animals have a surrender ritual, and that the human instinct to reach for a weapon short-circuits that.

  2. Replies
    1. That's why he moved slowly - they're huge.
