Sunday, May 17, 2020

Heh, yeah.


  1. You US Citizens do not know how fortunate you are to have a Constitution, written by mostly us Brits BTW, which enshrines essential rights in a way that no Government can deny.
    Stick to it, obey your own Founding Document. Raise a middle finger and a smile to anyone trying to enforce any illegal "rule".

    1. Funny how "you brits" don't benefit from "your" document.

    2. It's the difference between citizens and subjects.

      Unfortunately, all too often, our politicians see us as subjects and not as citizens to whom they work for.

      Dunno what the Brits can do about it. Seems every segment of their system has been corrupted against them. And any right of self-defense has been lost.

      Much like Massachussetts and New Jersey and New York City, come to think of it.

  2. The Constitution says the government can't do what it just did in limiting gatherings. Pres Bush (the 2nd one, the oil cartels people) got around it by using the word "security". "Just to be safe you need to do your thing a couple of miles away", and it worked.
    >>“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”<<

    By the time we wrote the Constitution we were all Americans.

  3. Just wait until they get to the part encouraging us to shoot them in the fucking face when we've exhausted our patience with and tolerance of their corruption. Wont they be surprised....

    1. Not really. That’s why they’ve been trying to disarm us for the last nearly 100yrs.

  4. Per Biden the Constitution is: "That thing, you know.....

  5. I may be a slow-learner, but ever since George H.B. Bush eluded to a "Globalist society" in the early 1990s I saw a pattern beginning to emerge. It carried through with Clinton, Dubya and Obama, but was dealt a blow by Trump. Is this why the coup started election night 2016 and has only intensified?
