Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Stubby


  1. In that paint livery, that is likely a target tow plane. Not a job I would want. We had a S-2 for a COD on the USS Carl Vinson in the 80's. I logged some flight hours and a couple of cats and traps. Very cramped inside and the vibrations will rattle your fillings loose, but damn, that was fun.

  2. I recall seeing a S-2 down at NAS Key West in the nineteen seventies that was heavily modified with about a six foot stretch in the forward fuselage, four blade props, the MAD boom was gone, a large radome on the nose, a troop door on the aft starboard side, two fuel slipper tanks outboard the wing break, and US Marines painted on it with an overall dull dark grey paint and flat black lettering. and obvious night intruder. the crew of it cranked engines as was gone about an hour before sunset after we taxied in for fuel after a eighteen hour AEW mission when Nixon was visiting. I hear the US Dept of the Interior is going to scrap all they have.

  3. State of California has turbo propped them for air tankers. They just don't sound right. You really knew it when one was coming in overhead to make a drop.

  4. Fleet Composite Squadron 1 Blue Alii NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii
