Thursday, April 11, 2019

Assange has had plenty of time to plan for this day - I sense something might happen very soon.


  1. Oh, yeah, there's one heck of a plea-deal coming. And the chips falling will be big.

  2. I'm expecting that a lot of tales will be told out of school, and that this arrest may have dire repercussions for some very bad people.

    If so, I sure hope that Julian Assange comes out of it well. He's done a lot to reveal the skulduggery of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, that's for sure!

  3. Unlike others, he leaked to HELP this nation. It would be a shame if he does time for it (or gets "suicided" by the deep state).

  4. I can visualize the story now:

    "Sadly, it was discovered too late that Assange had developed severe diabetes. Because of his self-imposed internal exile (remember, he was free to walk out of the Ecuadoran Embassy any time he wanted) his diabetes was untreated for years. The stress of his leaving the embassy pushed his system into diabetic ketoacidosis. Severe electrolyte imbalance led to fatal cardiac dysrythmia, and he died in the early hours of the night."

    1. yes. arkancide, it is an epidemic running loose. to be fair, the brits have an excellent health care system for those who can afford to pay for it. I am sure he will last out until he is locked away in guantanamo prison and dies of dysentery.

    2. Followed by those old favorites "no autopsy" and "cremation at the family's request".

  5. Assange knows TOO much about TOO many people to be allowed to go to trial/testify. I bet the Clinton Crime Cabal already has a contract
    out on him....and they are likely not alone.

  6. What? He's not dead yet? He's been in police custody for hours...... I'll wake up and read about it in the Daily Mail.
