Monday, April 8, 2019

About Right


  1. Trump is in no way different than the democrats. He hates gun owners. He has opened the southern border and he had lied about everything. I don't know who I'll vote for in 2020. But it won't be trump. He is the worst enemy we have ever had as gun owners ---Ray

    1. Would Hillary been any better?

    2. Ray, I'm disappointed too- but you're a fool if you think Hillary, or Joe Biden, or any Dem at all would've been better. Nor would Mittens Romney or most other Republicans. Name one that would be better, and that could've possibly won that election!

      And Trump does have sons that are hunters, & he and they are all members of the NRA; yeah, I know, even the NRA isn't 100% for gun rights. Until gun owners start joining & fixing it, or joining some other group that IS 100%, they got no business griping!

      As to "Trump has opened the southern border & lied about everything," well that's just pure idiocy, and you should know better!

    3. Baloney. Hillary would've been 1,000 times worse.

  2. If Joe or Hillary had been elected the brain dead MAGA hatters would be in the streets shooting communist instead of chanting "3 D chess" all the way to the gulag. I get it. Anyone who fails to worship the second coming of Reagan is an idiot. BFYTW! I won't vote for the biggest RINO in the herd. I'm right, you worship cheeto jesus. But do come back when trump starts door to door gun confiscation and tell me why I'm an idiot for not worshiping.---Ray--- MAGA hatters are stupid and deserve whatever they get after this.
