Friday, September 7, 2018

A Tale of Two Economies

In Canada, with their Progressive leader Justin Castro-Trudeau, the economy lost 51,600 jobs in August, the biggest drop in a decade.

Meanwhile, in the country just to the south, the U.S. economy added 201,000 jobs in August. The U.S. unemployment rate is 3.9%.  And year-over-year U.S. wage growth jumped to 2.9%. [Bureau of Labor and Statistics Link]

The Federal Register, where business rules are stored and thus serves as a proxy for regulatory activity, was 19.2 percent smaller from Inauguration Day until Aug. 16 under Trump than during the same period for Obama. 

No similar statistic for the Canadian economy, but it still tells a lot about why one economy is prospering and the other is going backward.

Further evidence: As damage from Trudeau's failure spreads, Suncor Energy halts crude production expansion.

A national leader should endeavor to promote the economy, not retard it. The difference here is stark.