Thursday, September 27, 2018

One fast missile - no escape


  1. Big improvement over the M20 3.5in rocket launchers we were issued in the 1960's.

  2. I still remember after 50 years the photos in a book on the desert war in n. africa as the graves registration people were featured pulling bodies out of Sherman tanks. Most of the destroyed tanks burned because gasoline and the removal featured a wire around the neck. Nowadays it's spall bouncing around in there unable to burst free and just bouncing around at 15,000 miles per hour.

    As Willy said long ago. A moving foxhole attacts the eye. I don't want to be in one.

  3. Ah the LOSAT system. Was never put into production. LOSAT= Line Of Site Anti Tank system rack of 4 in a humvee mounted box
