Tuesday, September 25, 2018

For when those Antifa Fascists, or Dr. Blasey-Ford, get too close.

Very cost effective.


  1. I have one of these in the consol of my truck, plus a fire extinguisher size can of bear spray. If those two don't work, I have my lead sprayer

  2. I'll just stick with my high speed wireless security device...

  3. Compact 9MM .40 or .45ACP. One round each. To the base of the neck. Repeat as needed. Also finding out who they are. Tracking them back to the nest and using a NAPALM enema would work wonders. It's time to stop this "law abiding gun owner" BS and kill communist's. Kill them. Kill them all. Kill them NOW. Don't leave it for our children. Man up, and take out the trash.

  4. Being a totally disabled war veteran unable to walk, I have all the options, i.e., Mace, rechargeable stun gun, Ruger "Security Six" .357 magnum revolver, and a "Cold Steel" sword cane.

    The Mace is a gel spray, so it shoots a solid stream that doesn't blow back in your face, and it marks the perpetrator for the police.

    1. I'd be really interested to hear more about this Mace Gel. What's the product name? Thanks

  5. I prefer Smith and Wesson for ANTIFA Clowns

  6. For Antifa and Libertards, change the filler to female deer in heat aroma. Drive them crazy trying to get rid of stags in rut.
