Sunday, September 30, 2018

Hoofing the heavy load


  1. This is why women should not be in the military.

  2. Well, women are great in defensive positions, but not humping huge loads in the back-beyond.

  3. The Israelis would disagree with y'all - and their young women are stunners who grow up to be the backbone of their culture.

  4. No, the Israelis do not use women in front line units.

    They learn that lesson the hard way.

    1. You mean those little foxes walking around with assault rifles don't get to shoot anybody?

      Boy, that's disappointing.

  5. ..."Men are expendable; women and children are not. A tribe or a nation can lose a high percentage of its men and still pick up the pieces and go on ... as long as the women and children are saved. But if you fail to save the women and children, you've had it, you're done, you're through! You join Tyrannosaurus Rex, one more breed that bilged its final test." _ Robert Anson Heinlein,The Pragmatics of Patriotism (1973)

    1. RAH is exactly correct, too. Those tribes or nations that ignore this advice also tend to have "bad luck," at least while they still exist.

      “Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

      This is known as "bad luck.”

    2. Women can always be stolen from other tribes. It's men who keep the civilization running.

  6. At least Israel is creating a survivor culture and not a snowflake one.

  7. You guys don’t understand just how tiny Israel is. You can drive across the middle of the country in 45 minutes. Many of you have longer commutes to work.

    Everyone is drafted at age 18, girls and boys. Women take over a lot of the training and support jobs so the men are available for combat roles. However, you never know when the rear echelon will suddenly become the front in such a small place. My husband has aunts who never expected to be on the front line and wound up humping a cannon up a hill and defending a position by themselves for hours until relief came.

  8. Beautiful IDF babes. And every one of them couple kill you with their bare hands.
