Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Crazy fact about Canada


  1. Al Gore said Global Warming had made the Polar bear extinct. Oh excuse me they're Zombie Polar Bears.

  2. I don't think that if you stole one of the cars that you'd be able to GO anywhere in them. Still and all, it's a polite thing to do when attacked by a zombie polar bear.

  3. Replies
    1. as a matter of fact, it is a federal crime to shoot a polar bear, even in self defense.

  4. SO that is a NoGo place on my list of places to visit.....

  5. Population 899
    There are no roads going to Churchill. Average daily mean temperature is 20.3 degrees F. I don't think grand theft auto is a major problem. "Hey let's steal a car...after it warms up for half an hour"
    This "crazy fact" is right up there with "water is wet, unless it's frozen...then it's hard.

  6. There's no such thing as polar bears. The last one was seen floating away on a melting ice berg over 15 years ago before we all died of heat stress, global warming or drowned in the rising seas.
