Thursday, September 25, 2014

Commie New York Mayor DeBlasio drops Charlotte the ground hog during ground hog day ceremonies, hog later dies of internal injuries consistent with a six foot fall, the zoo covers up the death so as not to piss off the city, which provides significant funding.

Yet even this silly if somewhat tragic incident is covered up by the press - can't let the hog's demise sully the mayor's reputation!

Funny that Charlotte was standing in for Chuck the Hog, who lost his chance of a moment of fame by chomping down on then mayor Bloomberg.  What does it tell you about New York politicians that even dumb animals want to either bite them hard or jump to their death to get away?


  1. Hey! W.C. Fields was there and saw the whole thing! He looks shocked and should be interviewed!

  2. Hog murder. I say that the hog was dropped with MALICE.
