Saturday, October 6, 2018

A measly 5 MB harddrive being shipped by IBM in 1956.


  1. I was given an 8 inch 5mb hard drive. I tore it apart and used the
    disk for a project. The finely machined and polished disk with an
    oxide coating had a nice copper color. After buying a picture frame
    and some stick on numbers I applied them to the face. After that,
    I took and old battery operated clock mechanism and made a great wall
    hanging clock out of it.

  2. Ya spelled "measly' wrong.....Thank an OCD addict, today.

    Oh yea, Congrats to the new Supreme Court justice.

  3. I bought 64MB of ram for an IBM system 36. Kept the receipt in a frame till I retired last year. 68 thousand 1985 dollars.

  4. That was probably an iron core memory.

  5. I miss those days, token ring networks, dumb terminals, Novell servers. Hiding in a glass room all day.
