Saturday, May 21, 2022

This is the Way



  1. Agreed. These are great. They say a lot.

  2. My daughter and her husband have 5 kids, 2 girls/3 boys. They are solid Christian, and are a good example of what "the way" is supposed to be. Me? I'm number 5 of 8 kids, but from a different generation. May God Bless each of you!

  3. Indeed, this is the way. I'm number 4 of 8, from a family of six boys and two girls. One of my father's favorite passages was from Psalm 127, verses 3 through 5, which talks about sons and children being a reward from God.

  4. Replies
    1. Better than 50% of your comments seem to be snide, unpleasant or uninspiring, sir....what gives?

  5. Shame you can't seem to find any non-Caucasian families.

    Michael in Nelson

    1. Haven't you heard? It's Okay to be White.

    2. Couple families back there was a mom who was half non-caucasian. But the point is an antidote to all the mainstream hostility to 1. traditional families and values, 2. children, and 3. those pesky caucasians. Seems like those naughty people are responsible for everything - like electricity, clean water, representative government, cars, boats, planes, railroads, medicine, printing, the scientific method, skyscrapers, elevators, air conditioning, helicopters on Mars - all that bad stuff. We hate them! Hate hate hate.

    3. You want to see non caucasian turn on your tv asshat.

    4. CW, my comment was not a dig at representing whites/caucasians as those pesky good guys but a wish to acknowledge the same values are held by others regardless of the colour of their skin (I know you do). As for those who chided me about wishing to see non-whites, you prove my point that too many see colour first and good families second.

      Michael in Nelson

  6. A happy family making a day of cutting a load of firewood in California. Nice.

  7. Riding on the tailgate of a pickup across the pasture to check on the cows was a highlight of any trip to my uncle's farm. This indeed is the way.

  8. Looks like the same guy from last Thursday.
    Must be a sidechick.

  9. A point here is that you really need 5 kids per family if you want to compete with other breeding PHILOSOPHICAL (eg. democrat, nazi, whatever) groups. If you want Christian, conservative families, it starts with 5 kids and ends with not cheating on one another & not having drug & booze issues. All of the non-conservative folks are barely but consistently outbreeding the conservatives. & this ship sailed. Conservatives are dying out. I'm not happy about it, and look below for what I expect to be a pile of hateful comments about me being anti-conservative b/c I said we're dying out. Truth is hated.

  10. Interesting to see family friends show up on the blog.

  11. I should of had children. I need a beer and a couple of hiles dug.
