Tuesday, November 9, 2021



When the hobo told Andy he should just let Opie decide for himself how he wanted to live…

Andy said, "No, I'm afraid it don't work that way. You can't let a young’n decide for himself. He'll grab at the first flashy thing with shiny ribbons on it. Then when he finds out there's a hook in it, it's too late. Wrong ideas come packaged with so much glitter that it's hard to convince them that other things might be better in the long run. All a parent can do is say 'Wait' and 'Trust me' and try to keep temptation away."


  1. I bet you won't find THAT episode in syndication!

  2. Now in 2021 We have the same scenario on a national level where the American educational system programmed Progressives are the hobos and the Conservative daddies are missing.

  3. God did not give babies complex survival instincts, as He did animals.

    Instead, He gave them parents, commanded the parents to love Him teach their children His word (Deuteronomy 6:4ff.), and commanded the children to honor their parents (Exodus 20:12).

  4. As I recall, the hobo was played by Buddy Ebsen, a.k.a. Jed Clampett. He always did look disreputable.

  5. As I recall, Ol' Andy stumped for Obama Care. That flashy stuff works on the old too.

  6. The fictional Andy Taylor was pretty wise...

  7. And the real Andy filled Ronnie Howards teeny little head with all the leftist BS that it could hold and Howard is still full of leftist BS.

  8. I've often wondered if the real character of Andy Griffith was best portrayed by his interpretation of Dusty Rhodes.

  9. Be a parent. There's a time to be a friend later.
