Wednesday, November 10, 2021

What are these people thinking???



  1. Breathing Democrat voters who will momentarily transition to Non-Breathing Democrat voters.

  2. Doesn't look real. No peepo. Looks like bad SFX.

  3. Maybe real, maybe not. But this exact thing happened when I was traveling through Ecuador in 1987. I was in the Oriente, in the far eastern part of the nation. This region is part of the Amazon Basin. The roads through there are poorly constructed and treacherous in the extreme. After an unusually heavy rainstorm one road simply collapsed, leaving a gap of about 100 feet. A bus came around a corner and simply fell into the jungle far below. This happened three more times, as there was no method then to warn travelers to avoid that road.

    1. The same thing happened on the NY Thruway at night and I believe 11 people died until someone was able to stop oncoming cars. Not third rate construction. Mario Cuomo used the bridge inspection money for social programs. His son killed a thousand times as many putting infected people in nursing homes with Covid. Some apples don't fall far from the tree.

    2. I drove around Metro-Manila and surrounding provinces for almost two years. I am now qualified to drive anywhere.

  4. They were told to follow Pinocchio Joe, and it wasn't even election day.

  5. To the drivers, the road beyond and below looked like the one they were on.
    Plus, they were texting.

  6. Sheep do that. Until one wises up.

  7. King Kong's in the rearview I guess.

  8. Maybe it's s sinkhole that opened up and people are sacrificing their vehicles and themselves to fill it? ... maybe? I dunno, what's the final skinny on this?

  9. People are stupid.... This is just more proof of that.

  10. Real enough that you can see the box truck wobble as the big rig tractor sideswipes it going past.

  11. When did the school for the BLIND & STUPID let out ?

  12. Stuff like this is why the Social Security fund is still solvent.
