Monday, November 8, 2021

Off and Running



  1. The family still tell stories about Dad doing that when he was that age. Me, well I'd low crawl up to the fenceline behind the hog lot, Daisy 1894 in hand, and snipe them. Best shots were when the boar had mounted a sow and was turned away from. Talk about a squeal! It's a miracle I'm alive, they'd have eaten me if they'd been able to pinpoint where those shots came from.

    1. As a boy of that age a friend and I would sit up on the windmill and shoot the bulls nutsack with our BB guns. My god were they pissed off.

  2. Not his first rodeo, or his last. Too funny.

  3. Trust a Towhead to do something silly and/or dangerous!

  4. Kid's done that before.
    Boys are like that, see. Until some cuck/manhater teaches it out of him.
    Good for you boy!
