Sunday, November 7, 2021

Helen Sarros working in the Pneumatic Tube Room, Marshall Fields Department Store, Chicago, Illinois c. 1947



  1. I remember the pneumatic tubes in Meyer Brothers department store in Paterson, NJ circa 1950. My grandmother used to take me there shopping. The clerk put the paper receipt and cash in the tube and it went off to a department to be recorded and change given. Then, after a few minutes it appeared from a return tube and plopped into a padded basket.

  2. Only the Shadow knows.

  3. It's kinda like the Internets, a series of tubes

  4. Looks like the backside of a pipe organ.

  5. The system where my dad worked (it support for a hospital) was super fun to play with. I could put a note in, set the destinatino address, and then run after it. Ah, I miss being 8.

  6. Anybody know if there was a hearing-loss problem assoc. with that job?

  7. When I started in the call center at the local gas and electric company in 1972,we hand wrote the orders on carbonized forms and dropped them on a belt next to our desks. A series of belts collected them to the dispatch room where they were sent via pneumatic tubes to the correct department. Very little noise associated with the tubes although sometimes the carriers got stuck in the tubes and had to be blown out with extra pressure..

  8. Had those on first ship. All tubes led to radio central. Sometimes crosscut shreds flew around the ship….
