Saturday, August 7, 2021

The exotic moonfish is native to open ocean waters between California and Hawaii, but somehow found its way to Sunset Beach, Oregon.



  1. It's called "Opah" and I'm building one right now out of wood, a little bit bigger than the one in the pik. Started it about 3 years ago and I work on it for a bit then move onto something else, then come back to it a few months later. A lot of carving with a chainsaw bit on the angle grinder. Eventually I will sandblast texture, then airbrush the colors. Eventually...

  2. The fish heard how great the Oregon coast is in the summer and went to take a look.

  3. Ghost... what's a chainsaw bit on an angle grinder? Is there a disc with chainsaw teeth available?

  4. Never mind... I typed it into google images and there's hundreds of photos of chainsaw bits affixed to disc grinders. I've never seen such a thing before. It must take a very light touch to avoid the blade jamming down hard, though this has to help a sculpture job happen a lot faster.

    1. They're a little scary at first but it doesn't grab like you'd think it would. It's a little bumpy, like say, 10 grit sandpaper, but it will remove a lot of turf pronto.
