Thursday, August 19, 2021

My new hero. Especially compared to Rapinoe.



  1. I heard about Maria’s selfless deed yesterday and I was struck by her altruistic endeavor I love the Poles. They are one proud culture and the women are gorgeous. We'll that is before they turn 40 after having 5 kids.

  2. Both Maria and Zabka deserve accolades. Maria is attractive, too, so possibly a few more accolades in her column.

    1. When I get my cloning machine, I'll run off a couple dozen copies.

  3. Strong, compassionate, and red-haired, with a line of suitors about a mile long.


  4. She is what girls shout aspire to become, to emulate...not some purple haired idiot Rapinoe.

  5. This little story just brought tears to my eyes. It is because of people like rapping Hoe that I refused to watch any of the Olympics this time around.
    It is good to learn that there are still plenty of real human beings that represent the Olympic spirit.

  6. To those who say Good news doesn't sell,,
    I'd spend time on stories like this.
    What a wonderful thing to do.

  7. Kamel-Toe Harris auctioned something else to the highest bidders. But she will never understand this kind selflessness.

  8. Time to take back all the polish jokes I've told over the years. (with some polish genetics in me, I was 'allowed')

    1. No need to apologize. One-quarter Polish here. They're not like the blecks. We don't get offended when the breeze blows.

    2. Neither do us Micks. Slagging is an Irish sport.

  9. Brought tears to my eyes, too. Wonderful story; spectacular action on Maria's part and on Zabka's management's part.

  10. You don't need a silver medal when you have a heart of gold.

  11. Thanks so much for posting this, CW. I needed a lift; very thoughtful of you!

  12. Hats off to her and the 'winning bidder'. But my question is: Why do we hold the field of medicine in such high regard? They make tons of mistakes. Very hard to hold accountable. They seem to be greedwhores the world over. Would rather go to a witch doctor or chinese herbalist. Less expensive, probably better results.

    1. I don't begrudge my oncologist one little bit of reward for his 10 to 15 years of hard work learning what he knows now.
      I have been kept alive by him for more than six years.
      Yes, doctors are human also and will make mistakes, but it is not that one mistake kills tens of thousands of senior citizens by a certain "I am better than anyone including medical professionals" a-hole in New York or in the Grope House.

  13. That is beautiful. Both Andrejczyk and Zabka. wish there were more inspiring stories / events right now. Thank you for posting it.

  14. I'm 75 years old. This is the first time in my life I did not watch the Olympics. My only regret is not watching this girl.

    1. Yep and from a country America should emulate instead of the bullshit we do. Power to this beautiful person.

  15. Outstanding post!
    Beautiful big hearted Maria and Zabka stores, both deserve many accolades.
    Thanks for posting it CW.

  16. She needs to have her silver medal replaced with a platinum one!

  17. Definitely a handsome woman, has a Kate Mara sort of vib...
