Wednesday, August 11, 2021




  1. Reminds me as a kid when I had a bad cold my mother would make me a hot lemon, honey and whiskey toddy before I turned in for the night. Worked wonders, but she would have been better off wasting the lemon and honey.

  2. My dad kept bees. We would have raw honey comb for tea, scrumptious. He kept some hives in a conifer woods near our house. One day he was checking the supers when he got caught short. Turned to the nearest tree to relieve himself and was promptly stung on the end. Much hilarity in the house, he did see the funny side later.

    When mum developed a bee sting allergy dad had his hives in the garden. He tried to give these thriving colonies away, the local bee keeper's association wouldn't help him. It broke his heart to burn them. We did have honey stashed all over the house, it lasted for decades. All gone now but for the sweet memories.

  3. I will be extracting my honey soon. It has been a little rainy in Maine. Additional water will cause mead to form and the honey jars will burst.


  4. Reminds me of a girl I knew that liked .... nevermind.

  5. And wax for candle making as well. My brother kept a hive when we were young. Stung years later and became allergic. Hard to believe after hundreds of stings. One swarm over the years pretty amazing animals.
