Friday, September 7, 2018

That is a beautiful thing.


  1. No argument here daily. A fucking beauty.

  2. Curious about the windows behind the pilot. Looks like someone maybe added a second seat.

    1. I believe that is an F6F-1 block one. One of the first 50-100 production Hellcats. They deleted the windows behind the pilot shortly after that. The Japanese simply couldn't keep up with the Tech race. The F6F (all) had a 2000+ HP power plant. The type 52(the biggest and most powerful) Zero never had more than 1700 HP, and never had armor SS fuel tanks or carried more than 1600 rounds of ammo. Once the P38, P-51,P-47, F6F and F4U-2 entered the pacific war the Japanese didn't have a chance.--Ray
