Thursday, September 20, 2018

Shave of the Day

PAA Organism 46B soap, Wild West Brushworks Radioactive Core badger brush, Ascension double open comb razor holding a Derby blade, PAA oak barrel aged Boomtown Bay Rum aftershave.

Two clean passes, no touchup needed, and an excellent shave.  The Ascension is said to be adjustable, and right now it's just a touch aggressive, giving a great shave but also a few weepers.  I'll fuss with it for a few more shaves and see if I can dial it in. 

The Boomtown Bay Rum aftershave is the cat's meow.  I might have to stock up on it so I'll have plenty if the government bans or taxes it away, as they often do to good things like this.  


  1. OK so I've ordered some of this Boomtown Bay Rum based on your testimonial and will report back on its efficacy in attracting females. Hopefully of the human variety as opposed to carrion-eaters, varmints, or insects.

    1. Both Mrs. CW and my assistant at work loved it. It's a babe magnet.
