Friday, September 7, 2018

Moar Zina!

She's trolling the media so hard now.  I hope she pulls out a big glass of milk and guzzles it right behind Kavanaugh.


  1. The progressives are such buffoons. And the legions who follow in their wake who are tired of a good economy, a safer country and a greater America need to find safe harbor somewhere in Africa (a good progressive continent).

  2. I cannot think about the progressive left and see members of the Mensa
    Society. When Sarah Palin was on the campaign trail, the left noticed
    that she had notes on the palm of palms. They went bat guano nuts
    and called her a moron. Her delivery was pitch perfect, but she
    decided to make a note so as to not forget a point or two. At her
    next rally, she held out her palm with the words "Hi Mom!"

    President Trump is the Grandmaster at this game. His every Tweet
    causes the left to go apoplectic.

    The runners up of stupid liberal awards goes to the morons who called
    for a boycott of Arizona Iced Tea after that state passed an anti-
    illegal alien law. Arizona Iced Tea is made in New York. The brain-
    dead left also attacked Snapple for a depiction of a slave ship and
    circle K. The slaveship was a deption of the Boston Tea Party and
    the circle K denoted that the product is Kosher, and had nothing to
    do with the Klan. One can never lose a bet on the depths of stupidity
    of the modern left!

    Oh, I forgot one more issue the left attacked Sarah Palin for. She said
    "It's time to party like it's 1773. They called her moron for having
    confused 1776 with 1773. What year was the Boston Tea Party again?

  3. She's having fun, because she knows Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed. There's nothing the left can do. Plus the leftists are idiots.
    Nice smile. Kind of Mona Lisa in that fourth one.

  4. Wait a second, is that a 'reverse' White Power secret sign, or is she secretly advertising Power White laundry soap?

  5. I like the cut of her jib. I have a feeling she is a formidable debater.
