Monday, September 17, 2018

Engraving always looks good on a lever action


  1. I've never understood why people do that to a firearm.

    It's extra expense - - - , and for what?

    To me, a gun is just a weapon, and I'm only interested in how well it will shoot.

    Any artistic foofaraw has no appeal for me.

    1. I'm just the opposite in some ways. That rifle to me is absolutely gorgeous, and I sure wish I owned it; it's far out of my price bracket, though.

      What shoots well are the black clone rifles of the AR variety; they've got no soul, and are ugly, but they do put the bullet where it's supposed to go. It's just a weapon, you're right; shoots well, but if it breaks throw it away without a backward glance.

      But that rifle would stay in my family forever, even if the barrel were plumb shot-out and the workings were broken. Just like I wouldn't paint over a Rembrandt even if it was old, faded and cracked- it's beautiful, and that's enough.

  2. I understand both points of view - mostly like my 'working guns' to be plain, efficient and effective. But I do like to see ballistic works of art - one day I may have to spring for a BBQ gun!
