Wednesday, September 12, 2018


  1. Interesting site-definitely going to p/u some of their products just to have.


  2. Have you ever eaten their food?

    I have not and reserve judgment, but they need to sell a sample pack to allow people to cook it up and see if they actually want to eat it. I know that it's survival food, but you still should want to eat it.

    1. Well said! You should want to eat it....

    2. Some of the dry foods like that are awful in my opinion. Wise tastes funny to me. I also tried some other brand (name escapes me) and it too was blah. I'd rathe rhave an MRE than the foods I've seen like that.

  3. So, there you and yours are, in a disaster area, homes destroyed, supplies long gone, people in panic mode. And you have supplies. Food, water, perhaps power, light, maybe some way to generate heat. And few others do. And they are desperate. You'll need other sorts of … supplies. It will not be pretty.
