Sunday, May 28, 2017

Long, but a joy to watch


  1. When I saw the title of this video recording, I watched it, expecting to see some sort of big mistake.

    Only at the very end of the video recording, do we learn that the name assigned to this aircraft is, "SNAFU", a military acronym meaning, "Situation Normal: All Fouled Up!"

    It was also interesting to note the historic aircraft was painted with historic, highly visible D-Day invasion stripes, intended to prevent aircraft from being accidentally shot down by our own forces.

  2. Earlier variant. No bubble canopy. Probably a P47D. The Jug was/is one steady, solid platform.

    John SNAFU = Situation Normal All "F**ked Up".

    Let's no be afraid of the "F" word. After all without it we might have lost the war.

    Or it's cousin- FUBAR = "F**ked Up Beyond All Recognition"

    1. And for those of us who transitioned from active military service into reserve status there is "FUBIJAR"

      F*ck You, Buddy, I'm Just A Reserve

  3. Everything you ever wanted to know about the P-47.

  4. @ BOGSIDE BUNNY, LL, RHT447, Et Alii:

    No, profanity is not really necessary, especially on a web site accessible to women and children.

    As for combat, I don't claim to be a genuine war hero, but I did spend nine years in the enlisted ranks of the United States Army, serving in Germany, Korea, and the old Republic of Viet Nam, where I was in the 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile).

    I was friends with Colonel Bernard Francis Fisher, United States Air Force, who was a genuine war hero, having been awarded the Medal of Honor and the Silver Star for his actions in the A Shau Valley.

    Neither one of us ever found it necessary to resort to profanity.

    I'm acquainted with numerous war veterans who never used profanity, never used alcohol, never used marijuana, and never participated in sex outside of their marriage covenants.

    Most, like myself, were just ordinary servicemen engaged in ordinary occupations.
