Thursday, May 19, 2022

The World Order Reset: Required reading to gain an idea of what's going on worldwide, and why Russia has profoundly lost it all no matter what happens in Ukraine.

 The full story here, but a snippet:

Indeed the (re)emergence of this American-led Trans-Atlantic super-bloc – which for various reasons that amuse me I will hereby dub Trans-Atlantis – has the potential to reshape the world in a way that seemed unimaginable before Putin made the impossible possible. Because, as long as Trans-Atlantis remains tightly fused and swimming in sync, it will for the foreseeable future retain unmatched power to dictate the direction of the international order. Leveraging the decisive weight of its global economic and financial power, it will now be able to shape international rules, standards, and norms on everything from trade, investment, and development, to internet regulation and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) restrictions on corporate policy. And, through the weaponization of finance, it will have the tools to police these rules as it chooses.

Alone and Insecure

Suddenly China finds itself alone at the bar. Russia has stumbled off to drunkenly instigate a street fight and lose most of its teeth, and Europa has gone home with the obnoxious middle-aged Yankee in the muscle shirt and overbearing cologne.


  1. Much to digest in that article, not all of it palatable. I think that the disruption of the flow of economic goods, which is more felt by which is ostensibly "we the people," could become the wild card, worldwide, which really livens things up, and not in a good way. Trying to tie all that is going on in the world is very difficult, especially when the information we are able to access is of dubious veracity. When I was talking with my 90 year old mother, the other day, she mentioned that some of the other residents in the home she resides on were constantly debating this and that aspect of all that is going on. My Mum said to me that they were wallowing too much in the world, rather than in the words and goodness of Scriptural teaching. I think she's on the right track, but she also agreed with me that one should be ready for ANY contingency.

  2. On initial glance I consider this article to be utter crap. Once I have completely re-read the article, I will be able to comment further.

    1. The snippet is a complete inversion of reality, so i can't even bring myself to read the rest of it.

  3. I haven't read the article yet but I did want to point out that Russia, no matter how bad it's army is doing in Ukraine or how much under and over the table aid "the west" is sending into this continuing quest to get Russia.... Russia still has nukes.

    If "the west" manages to push Russia out of Ukraine and back into Russia, will they stop at the border? Anyone remember the deal "the west" made with Russia & Ukraine in 1994 so Ukraine would give up it's nukes?
    Pushing pushing pushing and now "the west" is getting close to the Russian border.

    Russia still has nukes and ANY use of nukes is bad for all of us.

    Dangerous times.

  4. No matter, the US Empire is in its death throes. Maybe not the end of the dollar, but certainly the end of US power projection.

  5. As I commented earlier - utter crap. Don't waste your time or insult your intellect reading this pablum. The author is narcissistically impressed with his cut & paste abilities of the party line from his handlers and pay masters. Perhaps he would do better cleaning toilets - in his case far more useful and honest work.

    1. "Excellent" analysis, Anon, of a rather complicated article. "Utter Crap!" Don't waste your time!" The author is narcissistic! Other than cheap insults, you offer nothing at all. Again, there's certainly room to argue with the authors points, but, well, your attention could better, certainly, be spent addressing the points made, It you could come up with something more thoughtful than vulgarity. Try again, but not here.

    2. Russia doesn't need nukes to protect Russians in eastern Ukraine. All the "aid" we're pouring in there is doing nothing more than getting 1,000s of Ukrainians killed needlessly. The warped version of this conflict that's being fed to us is no where near reality. When you start to take the likes of Morning Joe seriously, you're gone.

    3. Yes, MMinWa, the Ukrainians would be so much better off had they simply surrendered and put themselves back under the Russian boot. How in the hell do people think the Ukrainians will be better if we help strangle of the means to fight? Oh sure! Reward a vicious thug of a dictator and a war of aggressive conquest. That's the smart and humane move? Shit.

  6. In the end: After reading this analysis I must admit I have lost a great deal of respect for your analytic capabilities; this is quite a disappointing effort. Was this written by CNN?

    1. Explain. Don't just insult, address the points the author raises with calm, logical responses. You I respect and know can do so, if you choose.

    2. The author, one "N.S. Lyons", is pure Deep State: "N.S isn't his real name; it's the pen name of an analyst and writer working in the broader US foreign policy establishment." As such he merely spouts Biden regime propaganda. His "analysis" is purely fabulist.

    3. CW, my comment wasn't meant for you, but rather about the author of the article. I read it yesterday, so today I am a little gray on it's content. But from what I recall he just embellished so many clip n pastes from the major "news" organizations, of which I've grown weary.

    4. Russia has fuel for its tanks ,NATO does not !

    5. Uh, Dioceses, how many vehicles have the Russians lost just from lack of fuel? Russia has fuel, but is too corrupt and incompetent to get enough of it to the front.

  7. The snippet seems to be a dream of denial of what Russia has and will do, combined with what damage the US and the EU has done to itself. Firstly, no matter what the cost Russia will prevail against Ukraine; the only question is what the cost will be. Ukraine as a NATO country is an existential threat to Russia. Secondly, by fighting and raising the stakes of the game, any hope of negotiations that existed before the attack are gone. Russia clearly stated it would not allow this but nobody listened. Since it won't be a negotiated peace it will go to the border in the West. Thirdly the economic weapons the West used have backfired and now the EU is paying much more for energy and petroleum and the Dollar is in danger of not being the reserve currency of the world. The Russian Rouble has been rescued from being lost in the forest to being airlifted to safety by Biden and the EU. Do you realize our financial ship has struck an iceberg? The seizure of all the Russian financial resources makes the US look like a petulant child. Who will trust us with their savings? Lastly China may benefit from more resources from Russia and a better trading partner with more cash. But China may see some problems with trying to tackle Taiwan after seeing how well defensive weapons work against machinery in the open. Imagine crossing a sea and fighting an entrenched Taiwan. China should see Russia's difficulty attacking a defended country by land as a cautionary tale. Nobody can fault the Russian's bravery but the same can't be said of China's Army which has been humiliated in it's last few wars with it's Southern neighbors.

  8. The comments above by "Anonymous" are beyond juvenile. It's like one of the non-binary purple haired brigade stumbled out of twitter and started their routine of one-dimensional ad-hoc attacks in this comment section.
    The barrage of mean girl catty cuts as a substitute for intelligent point by point discussion over the issues raised in the article is so out of place here it's actually embarrassing to behold.

    1. I wouldn't waste my time on an intelligent point-by-point discussion since the points are invalid, sheer conjecture, and non sequitur. To do so would be mental masturbation rather than an intellectual exercise. A regurgitation or party-line propaganda. Rather, an opinion piece instead of good journalism. I seriously doubt that the author was in country to report on reality.

    2. "I seriously doubt that the author was in country to report on reality." An excellent observation, Anon!
      I also seriously doubt that the author was in Germany when he wrote about Germany. I doubt he was in China when he mentions China, or Russia, Ukraine, France, America, on and on.
      Hey Anon, do you think he had to be sitting next to Putin, down in his bunker, when he writes anything about Putin?
      Tell us all again about those "non sequiturs".
      You pro-Putin trolls are silly.

  9. Umm, okay. After seeing "Anonymous" attempts at a reasoned response, no doubt because of the humiliating chastisement from our host, Anon offers us a mimicking of the nightly Russian round-table propaganda "news" casts. Where a bunch of Putin loyalists stand around yelling out threats that "America and NATO are calling down Russian Federation Thunder!"
    But, Anon finally makes a good point about China being revealed as a corrupt and incompetent paper panda just like Russia if they decide to invade Taiwan. Ironically, it's the exact same point made in the article at the end of "Act II: Alone". Yes, that's right, the same article that Anon said was "utter crap. Don't waste your time or insult your intellect reading this pablum" is the only material Anon brought to his analysis that had an interesting point.
    Maybe Twitter is a better fit, after all, for Anon's style of commentary contributions. Just saying.


    Video, after video of what things look like in Ukraine. No much english. The pictures of dead soldiers is nothing like what is being reported. You have to log in and click the warning link for the over 18+ graphic vids.
    I've tried to find the video's of russians getting their ass handed to them. Haven't found them so far. Anyone who is hoping Ukraine wins won't be able to watch the shows very long. I used to think me having a few rifles at the house would protect me in a similar situation. Nope, not a chance. The front line Uke soldiers were left in trenches without any hope to survive having only rifles. Bad, bad deal for Ukraine military. I can't see how they would ever trust their leaders to look out for their staying alive.

    1. Your observations at how Ukrainians have become entrenched lambs for the slaughter is indeed a bleak, futile, and hopeless proposition. I can only imagine how brutal it's going to be when the steel convoys of Russian armor move to take Kyiv. I'll bet they take it in less then a week.
      The poor Ukrainians should just give up now. They couldn't last Ninety days with such poor moral and small weapons.

    2. What's even worse is when Russia cart blanche sail it's mighty war ships and landing craft right past snake island and land in Odessa. Who or what could stop them?

    3. Actually, I agree with Anonymous. Lyons is delusional. Unfortunately, our Ruling Class firmly believes this nonsense, and they make foreign and military policy based on it.

      For example, his economic pie chart shows Russia's economy at $1.65T and Germany's at $4.23T. That's basically exchange rates. On a PPP basis, Russia's economy is at least 90% to 120% of Germany's. But considering the vast number of things that Russia makes and does that Germany can't and doesn't, Russia's economy might be twice Germany's, say $9T. That's about 40% of ours.

      Similarly, his chart puts China's economy at $16.86T compared to our $22.94T. But on a PPP basis China's economy is at least one-third larger than ours, and might be 50% larger. And it is growing three times as fast.

      He world map of countries supporting US sanctions on Russia is even more embarrassing. The only countries supporting sanctions are military allies of the US, and even all of those, e.g., Croatia, Hungary, Israel and Turkey. The sanctions are plainly hurting the US/EU much more than they hurt Russia. In fact it is not clear they hurt Russia at all. It is currently running record high trade and foreign currency surpluses. This morning the ruble rose to about R59 per $1, and it is continuing to rise. Similarly against the euro.

      Finally, one should remember Iraq. The Russian advance into Ukraine was faster that our advance to Baghdad. And Russia currently occupies an area larger than the UK in Ukraine, and is expanding it, albeit slowly. Russia controls Ukraine's airspace and seacoast. US/NATO equipment is helping only marginally, and almost all of it is obsolete junk.

      The outcome is not seriously in doubt. The only question is, How much of Ukraine will Russia annex?

      I, too, come here for the pictures. Please stick to the pictures.

    4. Russian style Dixie Plate depth propaganda brought to us by sykes.1.

      sykes.1: "But considering the vast number of things that Russia makes and does that Germany can't and doesn't, Russia's economy might be twice Germany's, say $9T. That's about 40% of ours."
      HAHAHA, If only Germany had the capacity to create high quality machining equipment then maybe they could create a robust auto industry like Russia. But alas, I guess we'll never know. This reminds me of Obama's book: "The Audacity of Delusion." or something like that. Close enough, though.

      sykes.1: "China's economy is at least one-third larger than ours, and might be 50% larger. And it is growing three times as fast."
      LOL, yeah, sykes, that's the ticket. That "three times" growth must be coming from the real estate sector of their economy. That's where China's real strength lies. sykes's enlightened analysis is a thing to behold.

      sykes.1: "The sanctions are plainly hurting the US/EU much more than they hurt Russia. In fact it is not clear they hurt Russia at all."
      WOW! It's plainly clear that sykes.1 has no shame at all.

      sykes.1: "Russia controls Ukraine's airspace and seacoast. US/NATO equipment is helping only marginally, and almost all of it is obsolete junk."
      Totally, sykes.1! Russia's flagship, Moskva, surly has the seacoast locked down tighter then a drum. Do you even read what you write?
      As for that "obsolete junk" it sure is able to knock out a lot of the high grade, technological wonder equipment that Russia took over Kyiv with in the first weak of the "Special Military Operation."

      Way to represent, Comrade sykes.1! I'm sure the Ministry of Propaganda will be pleased. You might even be nominated for the Order of Lenin.
      Sheesh! These Putin Butt-kissers are embarrassing.

    5. Stick with the pictures, sykes.1. Everything else is above your pay grade.

    6. Can you read a map, Greg? Compare the Russian high tide with where they are now.

  11. Luckily I come here for the pictures.

  12. CW, I couldn't finish the article myself as I agree that the majority of it seems to be nothing more than a one sided and unrealistic commentary based on the type of nonsensical propaganda that we are deluged with on a daily basis. It would be akin to undoing decades of mental programming to address the problems with this article point by point. I suggest looking at alternate sources of information in order to, at least, broaden and diversify the facts, possibilities and probabilities upon which you base our opinions. At one time, I thought that I had deprogrammed myself but now realize that it runs deep indeed. Imagine the possibility that our worldview has been affected, shaped and guided since infancy. I'm only recommending that you consider viewpoints that might be different than your own and consider the possibilities.

  13. The war is a distraction. Follow the money.
    To understand what will happen, focus on the flow of goods, valuations of commodities and currencies, and how various countries have positioned themselves.
    Russia, China, India, Saudi Arabia and Iran have all agreed to trade commodities in currencies other than the US dollar. That's almost half the worlds population.
    This has been planned for a long time.
    These countries are also starting to back their currencies with real money (gold/other commodities)
    The US continues to print worthless dollars.
    We are in the process of being pushed off the world stage, and if we continue to try and bully the likes of Russia we will just be bankrupted. Russia won't waste the resources to fight us or NATO. They'll just turn the gas off. We will be the ones to escalate this to the point of global conflict, if we haven't already done so.
    Ask yourself:
    - "why" the "president" of Ukraine is worth almost 600 billion dollars. (nice gig if you can get it)
    - why does the current administration want to send billions to Ukraine? (hint: like foreign aid, a lot of that money gets back to DC in the form of lobbying "fees")
    -look at who supports this "war" in this country. (Obama, Biden, Clinton, Bush, Soros, Schwab, Kerry, Pelosi....the usual deep state players.)

    Don't get fooled by the narrative.

    The US

    1. We have also been laundering money through NATO countries for decades. It's another form of "foreign aid", and the kickbacks are very lucrative.
      We in addition have broken every agreement with Russia in regards to NATO expansion since the collapse of the Soviet Union.


    Evraz the local steel mill here is russian owned. Evraz was deleted from stock exchange with sanctions. Big mistake letting foreigner's take over critical industries. Both of the cement plants are foreign owned. Giant wind turbine tower is Korean. Plastic pipe factory is Chinese.

  15. All one needs to know is who is backing Ukraine - the most corrupt country in Europe. The Russian Ruble, long nonconvertible, has doubled its value against the dollar.
    Now we see that the Russians have "rescued" NAZI AZOV fighters from Mariupol and sent them to Russia. Zelenskey is touring begging for money and has recently opened a Gofundme page (HaHa). Ukraine sure has a strange way of winning.

    1. How dare men and women under siege at Azovstal, the last brave holdouts of the city of Mariupol, under siege for 2.5 months, finally surrender! Meanwhile, the Russian attempt to surround and cut off Kyiv was a miserable and costly failure in which they lost some of their best airborne units, and hundreds or thousands of AFVs and trucks. It was so bad they ended up retreating back over the border to send some of the surviving forces to the east where the Russian Army had also failed to seal the deal. Now they're pushed back from the city of Kharkiv back over the border, and were whining that Ukrainian forces had had the gall to shell Russian positions within Russia. How dare they! A war that was supposed to be over in less than a week is still raging almost 3 months later, and the Russians are not only not gaining ground (except for ~1 square mile of Azovstal after only ~45 days or more of trying to seize it, supported by fighter-bombers, large amounts of artillery and rockets, including thermobaric warheads), they've been losing ground. Their two river-crossing attempts earlier this to pinch off a Ukrainian salient were both miserable failures with much loss of life and AFVs. If the Russians are winning, they've got a damned strange way of demonstrating it.

    2. Ukraine is only slightly more corrupt than Russia. People support Ukraine because a thug dictator of a corrupt state invaded them in an aggressive war of conquest. Do you really want to reward Putin for doing that? That's a fucking guaranteed way of getting more of it in the future from Putin. Unfastened your lips from Putin's ass.

  16. Could we have anonymous1, anonymous2, etc., to separate the different writers?

  17. When the hell did the comment entry form change? No wonder there are so many Anonymous when that's the default, and it's a bit of a pain. Why fix what wasn't broken?
