Friday, May 6, 2022

Purple Haze



  1. I wish that I still had my late father's Bazooka and shells that he brought home from his Army service in Iceland during the Korean War. Just sayin...

  2. Voluptuous indeed.

  3. Curves everywhere.

    Jeremy P

  4. Well... all I can say is that paint job has to be at least 30 years old.

  5. My old man had a '49 fastback, the Torpedo body style he called it to Plaugue Monk's reference. His was black, or sort of; the sun and rain in Georgia had stained it with a blueish overcoat. Loved that car, probably because it was the first I remember. Dad overcorrected trying to pass a car, ditched it and endo'd three times, got a cut on his scalp.

    Dan Patterson

  6. I should have added the /sarc tag to my first comment. While I don't care for the woman or the car, that is not deserving of the death penalty.
    I would sentence the woman to listening to a medley of Justin Bieber's greatest hits for an hour...although the more I think about it, she might prefer a merciful death.

  7. I'd take the ride... Either of them.
