Sunday, May 15, 2022

Made in USA



  1. Plastic? Hmmm.

    The real problem is, I can never remember all the things you can do with it, without the cheat notes, and guess what gets trashed in my toolbox first.

  2. I prefer the aluminum squares myself, but plastic has its place. I also prefer the Swanson squares over all others.

  3. Get the normal, aluminum one, without the fat edge and useless level.
    You remember what it does by using it a lot.

  4. I guess they had to make a certain amount of changes to beat the copyright laws. So they made a simple, versatile tool fugly and without further utilty but the suspect spirit level set in thin plastic.

  5. Check out the speed squares by Martinez tool. I use mine daily. well thought out. I agree with ghostsniper, the level is basically worthless.
