Sunday, August 2, 2020

This Osprey decide to eat a big fish in the bull pine behind the house this morning.

 That fish is probably a Salmon from over on the Sacramento River.  Our Osprey, I'd wager, Brought it over here to eat it in peace from other predators.

When he first started eating it, the fish was still alive, wiggling it's tail in a futile attempt to swim away.

You can see his bandy legs and fearsome hooked beak in this image.  I also like the black band from his neck across his eye.  I guess that helps with glare off the water.

Here he's looking right at me, annoyed at the attention while he's trying to eat in peace.


  1. Doesn't California require a fishing license? There's a big revenue gap.

  2. There are Broad Wing Hawks here yearly, fun to waych

  3. That bird looks like he just caught site of the "turf" component of his surf and turf meal.

  4. There are osprey nests on the marker pillions in the Columbia River where we fish. Interesting to watch them.
