Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Carefully and slowly put a bucket under that, then stand back a ways and pump two or three .22 rounds into it.


  1. Looks like it better be a BIG bucket!

  2. And you better stay way back. Honey bees will attack to about 900 ft out, the African variety go to about 1200 feet out

  3. Unh-Unh...Um......nooooooo.
    I like my honey in the little bear on the pantry shelf, thank you.

  4. H... No! Did that when I was 8. 61 and still remember.

    1. I was the same age......62 now.......still pull stingers out. My uncle said it was the funniest thing he ever saw.

  5. Had that happen one time in San Antonio in a tree in the backyard when I was a kid. It is amazing how fast they build that hive. Mom called a Beekeeper and he came and put the hive in a box on a ladder in basically the same place, waited till night so all the bees were home, Then took them away and put them to work. I am no bunny hugger but I think bees should be conserved where possible.

  6. If they are not africanized i would just grab it and leave. Hope the queen is still in the Q and put them in a box like Mikey's beekeeper.

  7. What does making several holes in the bucket accomplish?

  8. Just checkin........Oh, never mind !

  9. need for a .22. There's a beekeeper taking the photo,(notice the smoke under the hive). Looks "SEA". Our "Italians" don't like to build a nest out in the open like that. I've got 3 of my hives 20 feet from my door. I can check on them from my bathroom window, or sit on my patio with an adult beverage watch them work and enjoy the day.....

  10. Sorry, I didn't mention...the beekeeper (honey thief) will have the pail and a butcher knife to cut out chunks of honey.
