Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Nogais are a Turkic ethnic group who live in the Russian North Caucasus region, early twentieth century


  1. They look like they stepped out of "The Wizard of Oz." Is that who they patterned the Munchkins after? The guy with the wool hat reminds me of the guard at the door of the Emerald City.

    1. maybe the writers of the movie saw this picture.

  2. You tell them they have funny hats.... not me. I like his S&W mod.#3 Russian though.

  3. Those dudes are wearing dresses. Just sayin.

    1. when I was in Turkey male soldiers held hands. different culture; different meaning

      the same soldiers terrified the North Koreans. they would sneak up on NorKs and cut the head of one while the other was talking to the newly headless NorK.

      if a NorK tried to sneak up on a Turkish position the Turks would hammer a steel rod through the ears and hang the kicking Nork up at the entrance to the entrance to their compound.

      as my flight instructor was fond of saying: you go ahead. I'll watch.

  4. And each one has a bigger dick that both your dildos. Plus the one on the right is recycling a traffic cone.

  5. I like the chair. Only one arm so you didn’t have to take your sword off.

  6. These old wedding photos just leave me with more questions.
