Saturday, August 22, 2020

How Clouds Recharge


  1. Looks like "Oblivion" or "War of the Worlds." Those movies weren't bad with Cruz. "The Mummy," "M.I. Rogue Nation" and "Edge of Tomorrow: L.D.R." were pretty good too. Perhaps time has provided him with more maturity, good humor, intelligence? Naw... Why? I like T.O. Star Trek and the 2000 S.T. movies. BTW, Voyager was better than T.N.G. IMO.

  2. When I was in the merchant marine, sights like this were not uncommon.

  3. In-air refueling?

  4. Saw it once on Trinity Bay, working a drilling rig near Anahuac, TX. 5 water spouts, refueling the thunder storms above, looked like spun glass. It was just a few days before the Challenger shuttle disaster happened - makes it kind of a 'weird times' memory.
