Monday, January 20, 2020

Your Friendly Smile of the Morning

I know this is a famous actress, but she's been blessed with a smile so lovely and genuine, that it would melt any normal, red blooded man's heart.  Here, take my credit cards, they're yours now.  We can understand what happened to that fellow formerly known as Prince Harry a bit better now.


  1. I'd THANK her for taking my credit card...guys are such chumps, but it's who we are.

  2. She'd have to pay me. I have much better things to use my money on especially when women like her can be had for nothing.

  3. Pretty sure that's Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman) and she is married, but to Yaron Varsano. Since 2008. In Israel.
    Former IDF, I don't think she does anything with anyone unless she wants to.
