Monday, January 20, 2020

That would be noisy


  1. My little trout camp is about 15 miles or so from Camp Grayling. One afternoon while flyfishing a small creek which flows into the Au Sable, I had a pair of A10s come flying upstream about 200 feet in the air above me. I did not hear them til they were right on top of me, and I about dropped my fly rod in the crick as they screamed on by. Rather impressive.

    1. Hah, that happened to me once while I was hunting on a big ranch in South Texas, three big C-130's came up behind me flying low. Their profile overhead came into view a fraction of a second after the sound hit. Scared the living sh*t out of me.

    2. I had a pair of F-16s do that to me, on a back country road, with tall trees right up to the road. All of a sudden they were there, and gone! And I had five years taken off of my life.

  2. Mohammedans don't seem to favor cold climates. They're more like the sand people (of Star Wars fame). Maybe scenes like this explain why?

  3. Here in Arkansas. they use our mountain as a navigation point. They always fly in threes. They pop up over the ridge north of us and then down the Arkansas river valley. Last summer one of the pilots waved at me as they flew over.

  4. Early 80's @ Ft. Carson on teller reservoir. In a bridging unit and we were in the middle of the reservoir when we were buzzed by a couple of jets.Impressive. Makes you realize you dont have many options on the water in a small slow bridging boat. Dont remember what they were but figure they were from peterson afb. There was a bombing range not to far from teller and we could watch them do their runs. Long time ago. Go Chiefs!
