Tuesday, August 13, 2019

What a workhorse. That lumber has to be heavy.


  1. Another sad ending:

    1. "...two takeoff attempts..."!! That's when you return to the dock and remove some of the "multiple bags of masonry mortar" if you have any brains.


    2. Like I tell my grandkids - if it’s too heavy or cumbersome to carry all at the same time, make multiple trips...

  2. Beavers are sweet. found one of my fav aircraft down in central america a coupla years ago. Former USAF U-10D super courier. sadly, the tubes in the center fuselage were totally rusted out. Owner committed to parting out the airframe as the only way around the rules. I was so sad. Only big single we could land at less than forty knots stop on a dime and give you change that didn't have a turboprop. Big ass ailerons gave your upper body a real workout but very controllable. Very low speed maneuvering gave a real appreciation for the amount of mass in the wings. the slats and V.G.s were key contributors to excellent handling.
    But a DH Beaver ranks as just a perfect bush plane. and it's good looking with the round engine.
