Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Interesting clean up of a nice car

But the guy doing it is kind of a scaredy cat.  OMG!  Gross mouse droppings!  We better wear moon suits!!


  1. goetz von berlichingenAugust 21, 2019 at 10:47 AM

    Thanks CW for posting this. Mine isn't as dirty, but I did get a helpfull hint or two out of it.

  2. Mouse droppings are not to be lightly dismissed!

    Ever hear of hantavirus? Two hundred miles apart in Montana, in one year (2004), a good friend lost his stepdaughter and an employee to it. The former was cleaning out a new rental house, the latter sweeping out an empty grain elevator.

    Check it out here:

    Ya got yerself some mouse droppings? Put on a dust mask, rubber gloves, eye protection, and a spray bottle full of full-strength bleach. Spray down the area to wetness. Let it dry and THEN sweep up again with the protection on. Put the waste in a plastic bag and then into the trash.

    Seriously...nothing to screw with.

  3. "Barn Find"? What, did his dad forget it was parked in the garage 10 ft from his back door? Did they check for Jimmy Hoffa in the trunk?

  4. He doesn't deserve a car like that. To neglect a beauty like that he needs his balls removed.
