Monday, August 12, 2019

Dude calls Chris Cuomo "Fredo," Fredo loses it, acts just like a character out of The Sopranos.

Update: Oh look, censorship!  Too late, Fredo, we all saw your out of control rant.  Damage done.

It's amazing how we live in an age of freedom of expression, but also overt, ham handed censorship like this.


  1. I can see both sides of this one - the camera holder was free to exercise the editing rights so we don't see the whole conversation. I would have thought more of Cuomo if he had just walked away, because I can think of at least a handful of dickheads who would have reacted exactly the same way. But after seeing dozens of conservatives getting clocked in public, with impunity, for minding their own business it's hard to think much of anything about poor Fredo for very long.

    1. There are longer versions available, I've seen them on Twitter- but it's clear that only Cuomo lost his temper. The guy who spoke to him said, either straight or with a straight face, "I thought your name was Fredo."

      I agree, if Cuomo had flipped the guy the bird & walked away, it wouldn't have been noteworthy; but instead he had a complete meltdown & talked like a barroom bully about how he was going to "throw the guy down the stairs" along with other threats.

      So the end result is: Chris Cuomo is now, and for all time, "Fredo." Lots of hastags on Twitter, #FakeNewsFredo is my favorite!

  2. On cuoma's show, a guest called one of Trump's sons fredo and cuomo never batted an eye. So I call BS on this one.
