Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Dodge Madness


  1. Beautiful Dodge.
    At one time all the fire apparatus at Boston's Logan Airport was painted in lime green. It's a visibility thing...

  2. As were Maryland State police cars. I had read somewhere(internet) that visibility study of the lime green was faked.

  3. That's interesting. One thing is 'fer sure', fire engine red under nightime conditions appears black and is definitely NOT high-vis. I always thought the lime green was butt ugly but it is still used extensively in case where color contrast is required for safety - life jackets, offshore coveralls, etc. I think the advent of advanced materials, in particular highly reflective tapes and striping as well as strobe LEDs has taken away the importance of overall vehicle color - maybe too well in some cases. Modern emergency strobes are too bright under night time conditions, they're really blinding and at highway speeds, a dangerous hazard IMHO when you're hurtling toward them.

  4. I am a big believer in Safety Green fire trucks. The Wisconsin DNR paints all their fire trucks that color, and you cane see them from over a mile away.

    Aggie is right about the intensity of LED strobes. I think Federal Signal believes that if it causes retina burns at half a mile, it needs to be made brighter.
