Monday, August 12, 2019

A five day supply is probably a minimum


  1. I just looked and a Sam's Club ad came up for a year of survival food for about $1500, no idea who makes the food. I've had Mountain House, I don't recall it being bad.

  2. WISE FOOD IS GARBAGE DO.NOT BUY. IT. Mountain house packages have a 20-25 year shelf life, and is the best freeze dry on the market. They were the LRRP rations used in Vietnam. A "five day supply" of wise food does not have the calories to keep one adult fed for two days, and is made with highly questionable ingredients. Wal mart carries mountain house. It's worth the money---Ray

  3. you can survive five days with out too much food. your body may eat a little of itself but you probably won't be reverting to cannibalism. water on the other hand you will die without. all that freeze dried food is nice to have, but potable water is the deal breaker. If you have need of any perishable meds you would die without, why worry about food or ammo.

  4. Mountain House is good stuff but watch the calories. Most adults need a minimum of 2,500 calories a day to operate in survival situations. I've climbed a lot of mountains using Mountain House food, but we would add cubes of butter to the food to get the calorie content up. We were eating 7,000 calories a day and losing weight. Add a bunch of spices too.

    Of course, freeze dried food requires a source of reasonably fresh water and heat.

  5. 6 Months worth at a minimum per person and fuel and h2o supply treatment. Just developed "cure" for Ebola that has a 50% mortality rate. No worries then.

    Got preps?

  6. Mountain House is consistently good.
