Friday, November 2, 2018



  1. My wife has spent a fortune on cat toys like this. Me, I went to Academy and spent $14 on a Sponge Bob Square Pants fishing rod for toddlers, and put a small tasselled cat toy on the end of the line. I can sit in the recliner and cast that sucker all around the room, reel it in, lash it around like I'm fly fishing. Cat goes completely bonkers. I sip my beer.

  2. I have an amazing Kat Dude who moved in after his owner was killed by a drunk driver @ 4 pm..
    This AM I was walking down my driveway and saw a black blur coming from my left..BK tagged my leg and took off 100mph with the biggest smile, bouncing sideways..Gotcha!..Dave...He is a fun roommate....I like good Dawgs too...
