Friday, November 30, 2018

Jeff and Lloyd - two craggy faced gents.


  1. They both had pretty good runs at Hollywood.

    Who can forget Sea Hunt?

  2. Lloyd was good as that down to earth Apple farmer Sargent in "A Walk in the Sun".

  3. I watched Sea Hunt when I was a kid but the thing I remember Lloyd Bridges most for is the movie "Airplane", "I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue". That line just cracks me up!

  4. Jeff has been one of my favs for decades. The Canopy they're standing in front of is hyping one of my most liked Jeff Bridges' flicks. I know he's a REgressive but his "cause" is feeding the hungry and he keeps his idiocy pretty much on the down low. Lloyd was also a screaming REgressive.
