Saturday, January 24, 2015

Paddleboarder encounters a pod of killer whales off Laguna Beach, California

I would not have been as calm.  A paddle board would be no place to be if one of those orca's had decided to bite.

Via American Power


  1. If an orca wanted to take a bite, there is NOTHING you could do to stop it. These orcas were likely hunting seals. I've SCUBA'd here (not far from home for me) and it's not that uncommon to see a pod of orcas in this water.

    1. Orcas scare the chit out of great white sharks. Out in the Farallon Islands, when a pod of orcas show up, every white shark goes to the bottom, swims out to sea and off the continental shelf, and disappears. Some show up later in Hawaii. None of those supposed bad boys want anything to do with the killer whale.

    2. Orcas make very short work of any kind of seal or great white shark. They are the apex predators in the ocean and they have the attitude to match it. There are VERY few if any accounts of them eating men. It makes me sad to see them in a servile position in ocean parks.
