Thursday, November 7, 2013

Resistance is needed now

There is a great post up over at Virtual Mirage, which everyone should go read.  The point is that now is the time for objecting and for actively resisting the destruction of our country, our Constitution and our liberties.

"These government employees will rationalize their assistance in the confiscation of liberty as "simply doing their jobs," as did the members of the National Park Service when they followed the petulant orders of the president to close open-air memorials during the recent government shutdown.

Even the most complicit bureaucrat often believes to the end that he is serving the people, even if that "service" results in the abrogation of liberty, or ultimately, life.

While the bureaucrat may feel a vague sense of molestation as he follows orders he knows to be wrong, he will in the end side with his pension and benefits time and again, until, as Solzhenitsyn describes it, "the arrest is made."
Our nation is in the process of a transformation from free state to collectivist state. The Federal Government just nationalized 20% of the American economy and in effect, canceled somewhere around 129 MILLION health insurance policies. The fact that they are unable to provide a portal to buy the new approved insurance policies speaks to incompetence but not to intent. The intent is clear. "In place of legitimate constitutional scholarship in our educational system, we see a systematic and unrelenting effort to overturn the original concepts of our Constitution in favor of some "living" replacement -- an updated document made for a diverse and evolving population, or so we are told."

Solzhenitsyn writes in Gulag:
"At what point, then, should one resist? When one's belt is taken away? When one is ordered to face into a corner? When the policeman illegally crosses the threshold of one's home? The arrest consists of a series of incidental irrelevancies, of a multitude of things that alone do not matter, and there seems no point in arguing about any one of them individually...and yet all these incidental irrelevancies, taken together implacably constitute an arrest." 

How to resist is always the question. It must be something that will make a difference, but not, at least yet, something that is destructive to the country or the cause.  For now, violence in any form would simply be used against us, especially since we still have at least a half way functioning electoral system.  Never forget that those who hate the constitution control the media, and have no qualms in using it to serve their purpose.

For now, perhaps the best method is the support of those in politics who recognize and fight for the Constitution and the rights and prosperity of the people.   You know who that is.

It's past time for people to get active politically, and to fight those whose malevolence towards our land and it's laws are leading us straight to the socialist prison state.

1 comment:

  1. I always have to wonder about a call to revolt and then the disclaimer that "violence is a bad thing so don't do it".
