Wednesday, November 6, 2013

It's probably just a short step from this to engineering a super human.


  "A breakthrough in genetics – described as “jaw-dropping” by one Nobel scientist – has created intense excitement among DNA experts around the world who believe the discovery will transform their ability to edit the genomes of all living organisms, including humans.

The development has been hailed as a milestone in medical science because it promises to revolutionise the study and treatment of a range of diseases, from cancer and incurable viruses to inherited genetic disorders such as sickle-cell anaemia and Down syndrome.
For the first time, scientists are able to engineer any part of the human genome with extreme precision using a revolutionary new technique called Crispr, which has been likened to editing the individual letters on any chosen page of an encyclopedia without creating spelling mistakes."


  1. It's really the last frontier. And the question will be how many modifications (government overseen) under the healthcare system will favor one group over another…and what does it really mean to be human.

    Huge ethics issues, but they are coming. It's only a matter of time and it will surely change everything.

    1. Looks like it's coming a lot sooner than anyone thought.
