Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Found in a box of elementary school projects


  1. Did Ashely break up with Kyle, then?

  2. "NO!!!"

    Fickle and callow youth.

  3. ROFLOL ! ! !

    That is utterly hilarious - - - , a real keeper!

    I think I'll copy and post this on my own web site, "OUR ETERNAL STRUGGLE".

    Did one of your kids write that note?

    How old was she, and what grade was she in?

    Whenever possible, I always want to attribute proper credit to the source, along with any available explanatory details, of anything I post.

    1. No, not my kids (found on Reddit) but give Ashley some credit, she was right up front in her answer, why she was turning him down, but also that her current friend was on shaky ground with her and might be gone soon. That kind of straight up honesty is rare.
