Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Here is something you will never ever see Obama doing once he leaves office

Barack Obama is touring Africa, touching politically correct bases and posing for photo-ops as his foreign policy goes up in flames. Via InstaPundit, we learn that coincidentally, George W. Bush is in Africa too. Among other things, Bush has helped renovate a women’s clinic in Zambia. That is, he has helped personally, not by giving gaseous speeches.
The folks there must be simply amazed that a man who once wielded so much power has personally come half way around the world to help their cause.  I'm sure the local politicians are put to shame by his example.


  1. Character is evident. So is lack of character.

    I wish that Barack would abdicate and live in Kenya.

    1. Amen to that. The Kenyans would be sick and tired of him in about ten minutes.

    2. They'd simply kill him.
