Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hangman's tree.

The food was so lousy and the beer so warm that they hung the cook.


  1. It's about time. And the hanged man was pleasingly white. If it had been a black cook, it would be a hate crime.

    1. Back in the day, up in little Jamestown, Ca., they used to have a hanging man just like that right on main street. You would come into town and that was the first thing you'd see. Somewhere along the line they took him down, and now it's just one more touristy gold rush town. We used to love it as kids, even though we knew it wasn't real. The very idea, let alone the faux gruesome reality, made grownups seem a lot cooler in our eyes.

  2. There was a hanging man at the Hangman's Tree Bar on Main Street, Placerville for many years. It seems to re-appear every now and then and some of the locals go crazy.

  3. So what was the word he couldn't spell?
