Wednesday, July 17, 2013

SCANDAL!!! The Daily Caller sends a 16 year old to the White House press briefing.

And that 16 year old promptly asks Jay Carney an embarrassing question he doesn't want to answer.

  "Gabe Finger, who told POLITICO he’s 16, tweeted a photo of the White House briefing room and later posted: “Just angered Obama’s press secretary. Word.”
While students interning at news organizations are often brought to the White House briefing, it’s rare for them to ask questions, and even rarer for high schooler to get a question in.
Finger asked about reported death threats against George Zimmerman and his family. After an initial response, he followed up to ask if the family was “on their own.”
Carney’s response: “You can editorialize all you want, and I’m sure that you will, but that is a ridiculous statement.”
   "Some reporters in Washington are asking why The Daily Caller sent our intern Gabe Finger to the White House press briefing this afternoon. Talk about missing the point. The real question is, why did it take a 16-year-old intern to raise an obvious and important question that the White House press corps should have asked days ago? We don’t care how old Gabe Finger is. It doesn’t matter to us what his credentials are. All we care about is how well he does his job. Today he did it a lot better than most White House reporters."
Bazinga!  Well done, gentlemen.  


  1. Out of the mouths of babes........

  2. And the White House Press Corps will undoubtedly not have the courage or integrity to admit their own failings here. They'll brush it off, among themselves and publicly.

    But they should understand this. We are watching and judging them. Their self-inflicted damage will not be swept under the rug, but is accumulating until it causes the collapse of their world.
