Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Petreaus' replacement in the Af-Pak theater has now also been caught in a sex scandal, and will be relieved of command.

To my count, that would be general/admiral number four to be relieved in a short period of time.

Is this a slow motion coup in reverse, sort of like what Erdogan did to his generals in Turkey?

On the other hand, there is this.

And then there is this.

And then a TV station in Denver ran this program, featuring prominently this obvious to everyone except the editors photoshopped book cover.  Are we living in the second term of the Clinton administration?  Seems like it.


  1. Lots of people are finding this highly suspicious and calling it the communist purge of the military.

    Ann Barnhardt has an excellent piece regarding "The Night of the Long Knives" relationship to what is happening. Keep a weather eye on developments.


    1. Wow, thanks for the link. What would you bet that when all this is said and done in years to come, we discover that Ann was right all along?

  2. I like a lot of the things Ann says, I think she may be right on a lot of things, however on other things she seems OUT there.
